Your Home to Savings, Rewards and Resources.
John Smith
Executive Director

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Best Loan Selector Get The Best Loan At The Lowest Rate Whether you are purchasing a home and need financing or looking to refinance your current home, our Best Loan Locator System™ can save you both time and money by finding you the best loan at the lowest interest rate. Our Best Loan Locator System™ utilizes a four-step process. We start by isolating those lenders that are offering the lowest interest rates on a specific day and time. Next, once the lenders with the lowest rates have been identified, our mortgage team begins reviewing rate quotes and loan parameters to uncover favorable and unfavorable aspects of the target loan product. After that, we conduct a side-by-side comparison to identify the lenders that not only have the lowest interest rates but also have the best loans in terms of underwriting requirements, lock days, conditional approvals, LTV, DTI and other requirements that ultimately affect the "benefits" aspects of the loan. Finally, once we have chosen the lender with the best loan and the lowest rate, we "lock the rate" and submit documentation for approval. Just fill out the information below and our mortgage team will immediately get started to find you the best loan at the lowest interest rate Reminder: Your family members are also welcome to take advantage of our Best Loan Locator System™. Simply send them this page by clicking the button on the top right corner of this page.
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